It’s easier than ever to take a great photo. Most of carry excellent cameras in our pocket. Since the pandemic, many of us own a ring light. So why are the majority of travelers unhappy with their passport picture?
Perhaps it’s the permanence of it. Few people love the hair they wore a decade ago. Maybe it’s the discomfort of being photographed by someone else. Sure, you’ve mastered your selfie face in the privacy of your own bathroom, but most of us feel self conscious being observed through the lens by a stranger or, worse, a friend!
I believe it’s because of the strange constraint of being unable to smile. I used to work in PR. Any publicist will tell you to smile in your mugshot, if your unfortunate enough to have one, so that, when published, it doesn’t look like mugshot. At least 2 famous mugshots turned complete unknowns into working models!
That tactic won’t work with the US Passport Agency. If you arrive at your appointment with a picture that displays your pearly whites, do not pass go, do not collect $200…you may get a chance to run across the street to the CVS for a do over or, if it’s the end of the day, you’ve lost your appointment
When I posted my passport pic on Instagram, there was great debate about my expression. I was accused of smiling, but, alas, my teeth are concealed! I’m not grinning. I’m not smirking. Yes there are wrinkles at the corners of my mouth, but only slightly. My expression is warm, as though I’m listening to you tell me about your day.
Tyra Banks would recognize this expression as a “Smize,” a smile with my eyes. That, friends, is the secret. The camera is a living friend that you’re listening to with an encouraging expression. The rest is of less consequence. Wear your hair and make up as you would for a first date. Don’t wear a costume. Remember, you’ll be presenting this to Customs Officers when you’re jet lagged after a long flight. Keep it simple.

Finally, if you’re in New York City, visit the Rimowa Store in Soho to use their self service Passport Photo Booth. I haven’t tried it yet, but I’ve seen the results, and they’re fantastic. The variables you can’t control are calibrated to perfection so you don’t need to concern yourself with anything but your smize.